What Is a Register?

A register is an organizational feature that allows you to work with selected data for a range of accounts.  Registers are one of the most powerful features of TrustEase Administrator's Workstation because they provide a way for you to view tax and status information for a range of accounts.

All of the registers in TrustEase Administrator's Workstation are displayed on the Register page.  Registers organize the data contained in them into rows and columns.  The following graphic shows the rows and columns of a register:

Each row displays a database record, such as an account number or transaction.

Each column displays a field, such as an account name, of a database record.

Example of a Register

The rows of a register may span more than one page.  See Moving through a Register to learn how to display subsequent and previous register pages.

Registers are effective productivity and management tools because they let you see important information about your accounts and answer critical questions without placing a phone call.  You can also: